Monday, September 8, 2008

"Too Smart For Her Own Good"

A story is told of David's brother John when he was about four years old. His Grandpa Allen was telling him to do something...and without missing a beat he put his hands on his hip and replied, "You don't tell me what to do!" I have always found that story to be amusing. I guess it must just be a "four year old" thing to do...or maybe it runs in the "Allen" blood, but we had a similar situation happen with our four year old daughter Cosette. Her primary teacher told me that one Sunday her class was watching a video of the Savior...I think it was a cartoon story of the Savior...and Cosette wouldn't watch the movie. She just kept talking non-stop...Sister Bodine leaned over and quietly whispered that she needed to stop talking...and watch the video. Cosette replied, "The more you tell me to stop talking...the more it just makes me want to talk!" I laughed so hard when Sister Bodine told me that reminded me so much of her Uncle John! Cosette is definitely too smart for her own good! ~ Christina

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